Presence of Ethiopian Forces In Eritrea

Can wars end? What are signs that wars will end? What was the result of past “wars to end wars”?

Mighty Eritrea and Great Tigray

I have been reading some books and trying to see the difference between the traditional Tigray and Amhara perspectives of

Ethiopians Still Talking About Talking

Since Abiy Ahmed took office as Ethiopia’s prime minister in 2018, the region is entangled in a civil war. So

Eritrean Opposition Movement: In Dire Search of Potency and Relevance

Whenever foreign journalists query Eritrea’s strongman, Isaias Afewerki about political opposition to his totalitarian rule, he is known to get

New Faces To Embolden The PFDJ Festivals

Three new faces were delegated to embolden the PFDJ supporters in the current media offensive. Yemane Gebreab who serves as

Sudan: Detention of Fifth-Generation Eritrean Refugees

Until the 19th century, the Horn of Africa was one vast region where communities knew their farming, grazing, and dwelling

Season of Migration to the PFDJ

During the last three-Covid-years, the PFDJ was restlessly awaiting the end of the pandemic to relaunch its propaganda onslaught. Now

Three Envelopes for The Horn of Africa Leaders

A newly appointed corporate manager asked his predecessor to give him the best advice he could. The outgoing manager gave

Support The PFDJ, Your Regime

Some people hate others with passion. They don’t like them criticizing or opposing the regime they support, the PFDJ, the

Abiy Threatens Eritrean Sovereignty

Last month the Ethiopian Federal Forces transported low-bed trucks loaded with tens of tanks heading towards the direction of Djibouti.

One Kicked Out, Two To Go

In 2018, when Abiy Ahmed made his overly promoted visit to Eritrea and “signed a peace agreement” with Isaias Afwerki,

Let Sherifo Testify

I am sure you must remember Mahmmed Sherifo. Certainly, you remember the reformers. Were they reformers… or something else! And

Somalia Elects President Hassen Sheik Mahmoud

Somalia led the ex-president Formaggio to the Exit door and welcomed President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud who won the election by

Between Constitutionalism and “The Constitution”

[Reading time 9 minutes] Carlo was a driving school owner and trainer who was traveling to Keren in a bus

Eritrean PFDJ and Crowd Mentality

The following is inspired by Gustav Le Bon’s book, The Crowd—the study of the popular mind. If you are walking

Janjaweed and Fano: Ethiopian-Sudanese Twins

Eritrea, the modern-day Gulag, locked physically and psychologically, where screaming is a whisper. The ears hear but so terrified, they

Three-Legged Stool: Team Lemma, Loses Its Luster

[This Pencil Editorial was first published on March 18, 2019. Today, three years later, we are republishing it hoping it

Singers and Poets

About ten years ago there was a popular singer named Tarreqe. He had a unique voice. Until his slow disappearance,

The Six-Husbands of Eritrea

In the Tigrinya language we do not have separate words for sebay, as in husband, and sebaay, as in Man.’s Saleh Johar interviews Meles Zenawi (2008)

The following was first published in May 26, 2008. It’s the first ever interview with the late PM Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia


