Akria: Memories of Childhood in the Garden Among the Flames!

INTRODUCTION: What you are going to read here is not history! But it is not fiction either! You may consider

WikiLeaks, Rashaida and Egypt

Which is more real? WikiLeaks cables concerning Eritrea and its ruling clique, although amusing, has around it an air of

Nile Politics: Egypt’s Kiss Of Death

Introduction: it is now obvious that the tyrant in Eritrea has entered a stage of confusion and hallucination that every

A Third Side Of A Coin

Separatist! The Eritrean National struggle was never a separatist struggle as some Eritrean quarters are now philosophizing and before them

Of Kings And Bandits: A Literary Review

I see men making a language of music and music out of language; men dreaming of finer lives, and living

A Chieftain In The Pasha’s Camp

I There is no position more embarrassing than that of the historian in relation to his subject of expertise: history.

A Sudanese Journalist of Fortune

In my afternoon visits to the Eritrean websites on December 25, 2009, I was surprised to come across a report

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