The Genesis Of Eritrea’s Slavery Project

This an article from the archives. It was first published by the Awate Team on October 23, 2007. Many developments

Human Rights Council Advances Eritrea Case To Security Council

In its June 8 report, the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) on Human Rights in Eritrea had made recommendations to eight

In Geneva, Eritreans Give Voice To Voiceless Compatriots

Last year in June, after Eritreans held the largest rally in the history of Eritrea’s opposition forces, there were questions

Asmara to Geneva: A 25-Years Journey

Clarance Darrow, the famous civil libertarian wrote, “No other offense has ever been visited with such severe penalties as seeking

Zerom The Liberator

Now that the endless “silver jubilee celebrations in Eritrea are over, and the epic trip of the torch that remained

Release Of Hussein Khelifa And Hamdoi Expected Anytime

If the Sudanese authorities keep the promise they gave to different people, Hussein Khelifa, the leader of of the ELF,

“Mistir Leyti”: Secret of The Night

During the struggle (Ghedli), the Tigrinya phrase for “password” was “misTir Leyti”: secret of the night. Usually, it was the

Pirates Of The PFDJ

In 1976, when the Derg announced the change of King Haile Selassie’s birr in Ethiopia, the general public was reluctant

Cold War Ended, Hot War Continues

The 20th century is very much defined by the cold war that continued from 1947 to 1991. For Eritreans however,

An Initiative To Form An Eritrean Muslim Council

Gedab News learned that a  group of Eritrean sheikhs and scholars are in a three-day conference in Turkey; they are expected

Eritrean Airlines: An Eritrean Story

If there is one entity that symbolizes Eritrea, it must be Eritrean Airlines. It is its metaphor for something that

The Ordeal Of Human Trafficking and Organ Harvesting

(This is a speech I delivered on Wednesday, Dec 12, 2013 at the Hinckley Institute of Politics, University of Utah.)

Weed Out the PFDJ Beast

As I was about to publish this edition of Negarit, I was hit by yet another news of a tragedy:

Clipped Into Co-option

Outline Admonishing Eritrea; Brief reply to comments regarding my previous posting (Ethiopia, Tesfay Temnewo, Our youth) Clipped into Co-option I

The United Kingdom Should Prove Isaias Afwerki Right

There is a saying in the Eritrean highlands when one observes that the effort exerted is vastly disproportionate to the

Eritrea And Its Unusual Embassies: Part 2

Over fifty ambassadors, consuls and embassy workers are roaming the streets of Eritrea, frozen—a term used to describe party members

PFDJ’s Eritrea: Klashnikov Diplomacy

Eritrea, under the despotic rule of the People’s Front for Democracy & Justice (PFDJ), has rushed to war and strolled

EDA Outsourced Power To The People, EPDP Opted-Out

George Bernard Shaw is quoted as having said “liberty means responsibility, and that is why most men dread of it.”

Win, Lose Or Draw? ICG Always Says “Draw”

Consequently, the ICG reports were always famous for their string of non sequiturs. Their conclusions could never be supported

Philsophical Enklil Part 2: Mystifying The Obvious

After filtering out the background noise of YG articles, what we are left with is just simply intellectual stuttering. This


