Despair and Frustration with the Fundraising Efforts

It has been three months since we started this fundraising cycle. We would like to thank the few of you

Thank You Friends of Awate in Toronto, We Hope Others Follow

Dear supporters and friends of, and all readers, Today, Feb 3, 2019, friends of held their second fundraising

Diplomatic Frenzy in Absence of Stakeholders Participation

Since early 2018, the Horn of Africa region has been going through dramatic developments. The shaky security situation could get

Eritrean Ambassador: The USA and Gulf States Want to “Make Egypt Thirsty”

(Archive of September 18, 2017. 13:55 Editor) On Thursday, September 7, 2017, Al Masri Al Youm published an interview it

An Intimate Report: Year-End Fundraising Campaign

Dear colleagues and friends of, This is our first report for the Year-End Fundraising Campaign that we launched last

Archive: Interview: Meles Zenawi Sizes Up The Region

According to the Eritrean regime, we have been on the verge of collapse, for what...ten years now! And these ten

His Excellency Dr. Abiy Ahmed, PM of Ethiopia

His Excellency Dr. Abiy Ahmed The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dear Dr. Abiy, Your Excellency, so far, you managed to

An Appeal to Dr. Tedros Adhanom: Kassala in Distress

To Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Director General of the World Health Organization September 25, 2018 Dear Dr. Adhanom, This is an

Profiling Our Martyrs: Ethiopia-Eritrea Border War (1998-2000) (Part 1)

This document was compiled from the Eritrean Government data leaked to in December 2004. The Awate Team studied the

If You Shall Do Wicked Things, Don’t Brag About It

[this archive material was fist published on Dec 12, 2002 @13:47] Arabic saying: إذا ابتليتم فاستتروا  fe’iza abteleytum, fe’estetiru. (If

Djibouti Annuls Dubai Ports Concession Contract

In a press release issued on Thursday, the Djiboutian government said, it “has decided to proceed with the unilateral termination,

Announcing Awate IGAD Forum

Dear friends, Two days ago, we launched the 2018 fundraising entitled “Support” campaign which will continue for some time.

Dear friends and readers of

The political situation in the immediate neighborhood of Eritrea is becoming increasingly risky, and the situations inside Eritrea are calling

Hajji Mussa: 2017 Man of The Year

On Friday, October 20, 2017, the Eritrean security forces arrested Hajji Mussa Mohamed Nur and scores of others from different

Awate Archives: Why Idris Aba Arre Is Arrested

[The following archived article is being republished for the fourth time]  Seven months after this controversial article was published, Idris Aba

Qatar: Al Jazeera in the Middle

Though the diplomatic crisis in the Arabian Gulf seemed to be moving fast, it was headed to a predetermined destination: a

Eritrean Businesses: Between Loyalists and Others

In recent months, the Eritrean government has been carrying out a heightened surveillance on the Eritrean commercial sector, and reports of

Apologies And Appeal

Dear Awate friends and supporters, First, our apologies for the service interruption during the weekend. This is the first time

Undercover Lobbyist Rethinking Eritrea

The Atlantic Council (AC), an American Think Tank, is hosting a seminar, aptly entitled, “Rethinking Eritrea.” There is no Eritrean

Ahmed Suwera: An Honorable Man Departs

Today, the Khartoum sun didn’t shine on the selfless Ahmed Suwera. He departed this world leaving behind a legacy of


