Re-aligned with the PFDJ but disappointed

After the downfall of the Derg regime in Ethiopia and the liberation of Eritrea in 1991, the Sudanese government curtailed

Ethiopia: At Least Four Killed at Adwa Victory Celebration

Gedab News, March 2, 2023: Today Ethiopia celebrated the 1896 victory of the Adwa battle fought against the Italian colonial

Embarrassed Isaias Blames His Ambassador to Nairobi

[Reading time: 4 minutes] Last Thursday Eritrea’s Isaias Afwerki appeared in a press briefing with his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto.

AU Team Expected In Mekele Soon

The AU appointed observer team is expected to arrive in Mekele to monitor the situation in Tigray.. It comprises of

Searches, Arrests, and Tension in Eritrea

The repercussions from the interference of Eritrean forces in the Ethiopian civil war is being felt in Eritrea. Activities of

African Generals Appointed, POWs Not Mentioned

A team of ten African generals are named by the AU to monitor the process of the peace deal to

War-Caused Friction Among Eritreans

A government employee said, "In addition to the house-to-house search, uncles and aunts are forced to spy on their own

Severe Anxiety Attacks Eritreans

Since the Eritrean government allied itself with the Federal Ethiopian army and started to participate in the Ethiopian civil war,

Abba Fikremariam Arrested In Asmara

On Saturday October 15, 2022, Abba Fikremariam Hagos arrived at the Asmara airport from Europe. Eritrean security officers whisked away

New Faces To Embolden The PFDJ Festivals

Three new faces were delegated to embolden the PFDJ supporters in the current media offensive. Yemane Gebreab who serves as

Sudan: Detention of Fifth-Generation Eritrean Refugees

Until the 19th century, the Horn of Africa was one vast region where communities knew their farming, grazing, and dwelling

Abiy Threatens Eritrean Sovereignty

Last month the Ethiopian Federal Forces transported low-bed trucks loaded with tens of tanks heading towards the direction of Djibouti.

Somalia Elects President Hassen Sheik Mahmoud

Somalia led the ex-president Formaggio to the Exit door and welcomed President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud who won the election by

Tension in the Eritrean Ethiopian Border

(Reading time: 5 minutes) Gedab News learned that, over the last two weeks, large contingents of [Eritrean and Tigrayan] forces

Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan in Turmoil

After three-years of chaos, Sudan is still going through a precarious political situation where the central government has little control

Ethiopia Prepares for a Negotiated Settlement

On Sunday, a two-day long pan-Ethiopian meeting concluded in Addis Ababa. The preparatory meeting elected a committee that will draw

Tens of Newly Arrived Eritreans Flood Ethiopia

[Gedab News, Dec 26, 2021] Reports from Ethiopia indicate that since the beginning of 2020, more than 65,000 Eritrean escapees have arrived

Three Eritrean Opposition Entities Form A Coalition

After a long discussion between the Eritrean opposition organizations, three entities announced the formation of Eritrean National Coalition (ENC). On

Eritrea: A Conveyer Belt Supplying Mercenaries

Eritrea has been a training ground for Sudanese opposition groups that finally made peace with Khartoum and were absorbed in

Alleged Consultation to Form a Military Wing Unfounded

Gedab Investigative Report: On July 30, 2021, an Eritrean website reported about a “consultation between Eritrean entities.” It further reported that


