Asmara to Geneva: A 25-Years Journey
Clarance Darrow, the famous civil libertarian wrote, “No other offense has ever been visited with such severe penalties as seeking
Zerom The Liberator
Now that the endless “silver jubilee celebrations in Eritrea are over, and the epic trip of the torch that remained
The Prayers Of Good People
Mr. Johar! Mr. Johar! It was Big Bird calling my name; I could see the bright red mouth when it opened
Pirates Of The PFDJ
In 1976, when the Derg announced the change of King Haile Selassie’s birr in Ethiopia, the general public was reluctant
Cold War Ended, Hot War Continues
The 20th century is very much defined by the cold war that continued from 1947 to 1991. For Eritreans however,
PFDJ’s Eritrea: Klashnikov Diplomacy
Eritrea, under the despotic rule of the People’s Front for Democracy & Justice (PFDJ), has rushed to war and strolled
Philsophical Enklil Part 2: Mystifying The Obvious
After filtering out the background noise of YG articles, what we are left with is just simply intellectual stuttering. This
From The Persian Gulf to Badme
Suppose you bought a flat in the third floor of a building. Then, the owner of the flat below your
Awate Forum