Broken News

There’re two types of narcotics: Downers cause depression, insomnia, and melancholy; Uppers cause euphoria, excitement, and relaxation. When intoxicated, some

Music That Resides In Our Memories

The basic translation of the lyrics in the video…  The land of goodness, Africa is my country The land of

PFDJ Members Also Betrayed By the Eritrean Regime

This is an Account presented through the Story of Gebremeskel Tekle. “A profound chaos descended on our lives in the

War-Caused Friction Among Eritreans

A government employee said, "In addition to the house-to-house search, uncles and aunts are forced to spy on their own

Ethiopians Still Talking About Talking

Since Abiy Ahmed took office as Ethiopia’s prime minister in 2018, the region is entangled in a civil war. So

Eritrean Opposition Movement: In Dire Search of Potency and Relevance

Whenever foreign journalists query Eritrea’s strongman, Isaias Afewerki about political opposition to his totalitarian rule, he is known to get

Season of Migration to the PFDJ

During the last three-Covid-years, the PFDJ was restlessly awaiting the end of the pandemic to relaunch its propaganda onslaught. Now

Drones Created Out of Dirty Residues

In the last episode of Negarit (#181), I asked my audience ‘what do they miss the most in Eritrea?’ I

China Stretches Out Its Hands To The Horn

On Monday, June 20, 2022, a two-day Governance and Development Conference winded up in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Xue

Book Review: Eritrea-Inception and Consolidation of Dictatorship

Published 2020, Uppsala Sweden. Text in Tigrinya. ISBN: 978-91-519-5571-1 Pp. 365 plus list of references.  Reviewed by Tekeste Negash Emeritus

An Open Letter to My Friend

This story revolves around the early memories of my upbringing that shaped my identity.  In all conscience, it is neither

General Sebhat Efrem in Critical but Stable Condition

Last Wednesday before noon, General Sebhat Efrem survived an assassination attempt with serious wounds. The incident happened inside the general’s

Ethiopian Airlines Will Resume Flights to Asmara

This morning, the Ethiopian prime minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed concluded a two-day visit to Asmara after signing several agreements. The major item

Akria: Memories of Childhood in the Garden Among the Flames!

INTRODUCTION: What you are going to read here is not history! But it is not fiction either! You may consider

A Somber New Years’s Eve In Eritrea

New Year’s Eve of 2018 has been the most somber night compared to how Eritreans celebrated the night in the

Hajji Mussa Refuses to Walk Out of Prison

After almost two months in jail, sources reported to Gedab News that Hajji Mussa, who was arrested by the government

Eritrean Depositors Lose Control of Their Funds

In a move reminiscent of past campaigns, over the last few weeks, the Isaias Afwerki’s government has arrested many people

A Notch Up in Eritrea’s Struggle For Liberty and Justice

Circumstances surrounding a student-led public protest that took place in the Eritrean capital, Asmara on October 31, 2017, were lauded

Goatskin and Hides Rot in Eritrean Streets

The once thriving skin and hides business has declined so much that rotting skins in the streets have become a

Massawa’s Cultural Heritage: Through the Prism of PFDJ

This investigative report was published on June 23, 2003. Two days ago, Asmara, Eritrea’s capital city was designated a “World


