About Saleh "Gadi" Johar

Born and raised in Keren, Eritrea, now a US citizen residing in California, Mr. Saleh “Gadi” Johar is founder and publisher of Author of Miriam was Here, Of Kings and Bandits, and Simply Echoes. Saleh is acclaimed for his wealth of experience and knowledge in the history and politics of the Horn of Africa. A prominent public speaker and a researcher specializing on the Horn of Africa, he has given many distinguished lectures and participated in numerous seminars and conferences around the world. Activism was founded by Saleh “Gadi” Johar and is administered by the Awate Team and a group of volunteers who serve as the website’s advisory committee. The mission of is to provide Eritreans and friends of Eritrea with information that is hidden by the Eritrean regime and its surrogates; to provide a platform for information dissemination and opinion sharing; to inspire Eritreans, to embolden them into taking action, and finally, to lay the groundwork for reconciliation whose pillars are the truth. Miriam Was Here This book that was launched on August 16, 2013, is based on true stories; in writing it, Saleh has interviewed dozens of victims and eye-witnesses of Human trafficking, Eritrea, human rights, forced labor.and researched hundreds of pages of materials. The novel describes the ordeal of a nation, its youth, women and parents. It focuses on violation of human rights of the citizens and a country whose youth have become victims of slave labor, human trafficking, hostage taking, and human organ harvesting--all a result of bad governance. The main character of the story is Miriam, a young Eritrean woman; her father Zerom Bahta Hadgembes, a veteran of the struggle who resides in America and her childhood friend Senay who wanted to marry her but ended up being conscripted. Kings and Bandits Saleh “Gadi” Johar tells a powerful story that is never told: that many "child warriors" to whom we are asked to offer sympathies befitting helpless victims and hostages are actually premature adults who have made a conscious decision to stand up against brutality and oppression, and actually deserve our admiration. And that many of those whom we instinctively feel sympathetic towards, like the Ethiopian king Emperor Haile Sellassie, were actually world-class tyrants whose transgressions would normally be cases in the World Court. Simply Echoes A collection of romantic, political observations and travel poems; a reflection of the euphoric years that followed Eritrean Independence in 1991.

The Difference Between Propaganda and Public Relations

When I started to work after leaving Eritrea, I landed at a sales and marketing job. My understanding of sales

Graduated in Coffee Bean Picking

On Negarit 104 I talked about vowels and consonants and why Tigrinya speakers add a “i” vowel to many words

Negarit 103: ከፊሎም ደዊሉ ነሩ- The sponsor called- وأتصل الكفيل

What a change! Smartly dressed PFDJ official, with a bonus. For the first time he travels alone, and he scores

Kabuga, Fascists and Jackets

I know when what comes on Negarit hurts them because they go berserk with their insults. The last episode really

PFDJ Leaders Chewing on Fifty-Years Old Grudges

A few days ago, I watched a documentary type of video where Alamin Mohammed Saeed and General Abraha Kassa were

Narcissus, Marie Antoinette, and Saba Hailu

The following is the draft script for Negarit 99. This time it has been two steps forward, one step backward

Happy Double Awate Day

(This is a close English translation of the Tigrinya content of Negarit #100 video on YouTube channel) Happy September 1 for

The Staff of Moses

This is rough transcription of Negarit 98 published on YouTube this morning… The senior police (Police Abbay) After WW2, the

He Graduated

The following is a transcription of my YouTube Channel, “Negarit 97: ሰብኣይ ተመሪቁ – the man graduated – وتخرج الرجل“. Some

The Reasonable Dream

ዓቅምኹም ሕለሙ ክትዕወቱ  – فن الحلم الممكن My Harassing Client : I will introduce you to one of my regular

Jawar, Flipos, Isaias, Our Sources

Jawar Mohammed :I have a friend whose views about Jawar so many times I concluded he lacks clarity– I ruled

The TPLF and the Eritrean Opposition

The ENCDC is the only entity that has a workable formula for an opposition umbrella. A boxing match with Getachew

Reconciliation That Leads to a Closure

[Reading time : 8 minutes] Some of you must have seen or attended a community or village councils: the accusers

Negarit 91: Of Sandalwood

[This topic was published as a book review on.  Now it is satirized and adopted to fit the audio audience

Don Quixote

Are you a good person? Do you spread peace or hatred? Do you promote coexistence or infighting, harmony or discord,

A Candle Is Enough!

About 400 years before Christ, Socrates was jailed accused of many things among which were corrupting the youth of Athens

My Children

People in many countries have religions that are not very familiar to us like Christianity, or Islam, or Judaism. It’s

Parkinson’s Law – ሕጊ ፓርኪንሶን – قانون پاركينسن

As a child, I busied myself with my uncle’s books. Ustaz Johar Abdulrahim was a teacher and he taught in

Negarit 86: ሓደ ብሓደ – واحد بواحد 1 – 1

Two teams of players wearing Christian and Muslim shirts had a match; it ended with and even score: 1 to

Negarit 85: ብሓርነት ተደቢሱ – Liberation – تحرر


