Eritrea and the Ethiopian Civil war
[9 mnts. reading] Writers or speakers who discuss everything under the sun should not shy away from raising critical topics
Casualty and Effect
Living in Eritrea, far from the Sea, I only knew canned Sardines. Then I went to Massawa and tried grilled
“The World Is Against Us,” Eritrea’s St Alamin
A few people were mad because I criticized Saint Alamin, the Secretary of the PFDJ. They insisted that I apologize
The Hyena-leg, Egri Zb’ee
When I was a child, there was a man who had a big funnel-shaped wooden leg. His steps made a
“May You Beget A Black Cat”
In 1986 a border conflict erupted between Qatar and Bahrain over the ownership of the Hawar Islands (Fisht AlDibal). Qatari
The General’s Bad Lessons
A longtime ago in the environs of Kulentebai, the late Tesfai Tekhle, the liberation era commander, told a group of
Please Come and Invade Us!
A fringe racist, bigoted, and servile group has been trying hard to undo Eritrea and what its people stand for.
Eritrea: “A Foolish Undertaking”
Over the years I have come across many views; some I learned from, others I were a waste of time,
Kings of Kings and Colonels
In ancient times, each locality, and later each city, had a king. One of them emerged stronger and subjugated the
Negarit Special: ሓዘንን ሓጎስን – Joy and Sorrow – احزان وافراح
One morning Jemal and Khalid were strolling around when they saw armed soldiers leave Shishita garrison on speeding trucks. It
Whispering to the Eritrean Forces
Addey Abeba’s* husband and elder son died in a car accident while the family was returning home from a pilgrimage.
المجلس الوطنى الاريتري يساند مبادرة حكومة المنفى
المجلس الوطنى الاريتري للتغيير الديموقراطي ، المعروف أيضًا باسم “بايتو” أو “مجلس” باللغة التيغرينيا والعربية على التوالي ، هو تحالف من الأحزاب السياسية الإري .ومنظمات المجتمع المدني والكيانات الأخرى غير المنتسبة يُعرف المبادرون لفكرة “حكومة المنفى” باسم فريق العمل الوطني. ذكر رئيس المجلس الوطني الارتري للتغيير الديموقراطي في رسالته أنه بالتوازي مع التزامه بالعمل من […]
A Message To Tigrayans
A fed-up worker decided to quit his job. He approached his boss who was standing behind a workbench, looked him
Surrender To Peace
In Germany a friend surrendered to the German police: A long time I go when visiting Germany, I heard a
Dr. Berhanu Nega and His Allies
When I heard people calling the workers at a coffee chain, I cringed. It took me some time to get
1,001 Arabian, 11,000 Eritrean Nights
1001 Nights is a literary work from the Golden Ages where Shahrazad every night tells a story to the Sultan
Gilgamesh or Gilgamesh?
Hormuz Rassam was well known in Europe after he made important archeological discoveries in Iraq between 1877-1882. He found the
Jailers and Jailed
Freedom of Expression Forum in Oslo About a decade ago I attended the exquisite Freedom of Expression Forum in Oslo,
Tsion King and The Degezmati Muslims
Until the 7th century, Abyssinia flourished under the Axumite Kingdom which replaced other kingdoms including Damot Belew, and others. It
Awate Forum