Mola Asghedom For Governor Of Ethiopia Forum

I am sure you heard that Mola Asghedom who was on a ten year visit to Eritrea decided to leave

Reintroducing Diversity In Eritrean Politics

On Saturday, August 29, 2015, I attended an event hosted by Bologna Forum in Oakland. I had prepared a speech

Language and Religion In Eritrean Politics (Archive)

(The following was presented at a panel discussion under the theme “Eritrea’s Path towards Democracy: Dialogue on Constitutional Issues”. The

Ali Baabe, Adolescent At Seventy

Sometime ago I discovered Banyan is a name of a tree, but I don’t know why the Indian community that

Scent of Lemon: An Example Of Refined Eritrean Song

My taste in music is unusual, not many songs please me. My aversion to saxophones is unmatched, but I love

Miriam Was Here In Tigrinya Coming Out In July

It’s with great pleasure that I announce that the Tigrinya translation of my last book “Miriam Was Here” is now

Eritrean Opposition’s Pink Panther Show

I envy people who grew up watching the Pink Panther cartoon show; there was no television where I grew up.

The Smashed Eritrean Wristwatch

Some anecdotes are timeless, I will tell you an old one: Adey Tekh’a, was a very old senile woman. A

Eritrean Janus Ethiopian Hydra

This edition of Negarit was about to be published when the tragic events in Libya, and then the Mediterranean Sea

Put Off The Lanterns of Terror

This is a bribe, in a nice way, the legitimate kind of bribe. I thought of offering it in preparation

Achievers Who Make Eritreans Proud

Considering all the demoralizing news coming out of Eritrea one would be hard pressed to rule out Eritreans as mainly

Confession From Outside The Bubble

Consider today’s Negarit edition mainly a confession booth; I hope the so-called “silent majority” would join me. But first let’s

Negarit Of The Broken PFDJ Pot

In reaction to an article about the Dresden demonstration in memory of the late Khaled Idris Bahray, and condemning his

“Crusaders” Branding Others, “Islamists”

Today’s Negarit is about Yosef EFND, coincidentally, there is an Egyptians word that sounds like it, Effendi (افندي); it is

Eritrea: Few Embassies, Many Chanceries

The democratic regime of Isaias Afwerki is known for its extensive informational (not propaganda) activities and thankfully it enjoys full

Reflection: Burying The Oldest And The youngest

Ustaz Osman died at his home in San Francisco and was buried on August 30, 2014; Hannan died at the

Cadres For Holy Men; Containers for Churches

The warm sun enticed basking; it was a spring morning. I was sitting in one of the street cafes in

Eritean Fiat Seicento And Ethiopian Volkswagen

Fiat Seicento (and Cinquecento) was a cute Italian car whose old version is now antique. Driving schools loved it and

Catholic Seminary: A 1968 Article By Mesghinna Yassin

This is the third portion from the series of articles from the 1968 publication of Outlook Magazine that was published

ISIS, Israel, Gunay and Gedli Defamers

When some people passionately tell lies, they hope the details will work out on their own because a repeatedly told


