Re-aligned with the PFDJ but disappointed

After the downfall of the Derg regime in Ethiopia and the liberation of Eritrea in 1991, the Sudanese government curtailed

The Bloody African Horn Region

This week, both Eid and Fasiga came a few days apart; on this occasion, I wish Christians and Muslims who

Horn of Africa’s Never-Ending Tragedy

On March 2, 2023, Gedab News reported that four people lost their lives when Ethiopia celebrated the 127th 1896 anniversary

A Call to The Moderates of The Horn Of Africa 

[Editor’s note: This editorial was first published on Oct 22, 2003, and again in Oct 2, 2018. It’s being republished

The Land Surveying Engineer

I hold that the problems of our region are mainly cultural, and it can only be ameliorated by fighting illiteracy

Abiy and Isaias, Radwan in the Middle.

Ser’e is something forbidden by tradition be it mentioning or consuming. For instance, traditional women do not mention the name

Time To Clean Your Own Courtyard

Hopefully, the guns will stop. Hopefully those drunk with lust for blood will sober up. Hopefully, those who have nothing

War-Caused Friction Among Eritreans

A government employee said, "In addition to the house-to-house search, uncles and aunts are forced to spy on their own

Ethiopia: Coup d’état redefined

Last Saturday, for a few hours the ancient city of Bahir-Dar, the Amhara state capital, became the most famous city

Eritrea: Lobbyists Peddling Rumors as News

In recent days rumors swirled claiming that the Ethiopian government has facilitated a meeting in Ethiopia between delegates of the

Calling Out PM Abiy’s Bluffs

Arguably, there are few people in the world who yearn for peace like Eritreans. However, peace has been always elusive.

Pm Abiy and the Rehabilitation of Dictators

Just as Eritreans were reeling from the bizarre remarks Isaias Afeworki made during his visit to Ethiopia on July 14,

Ethiopia & Eritrea: A Faustian “Peace” Bargain with the Devil?

The question of economic opportunities being given to our neighbors before Eritreans, calls for a separate analysis. The question of


