Negarit 80: ኩንታል ብልቱግ – A Sack of Millet – كيس دخن

In the sixties and early seventies, when youngsters wanted to join the ELF, they were told they have to consume

Gloomy Clouds Over the Horn of Africa

Abdella Hamdouk: Last year, the Sudanese Sovereignty Council appointed Abdella Hamdouk as a prime minister. He was sworn in on

Quo Vadis? – ክዎ ቫዲስ? – إلى أينَ من هنا؟

Jesus was born in Nazareth*, Galilee, when the Roman emperor Herod ruled Palestine. He was a Roman citizen. Our character

ሕማም ሕርሲ – In labor – المخاض

[The following is used as a script for Negarit #70, which is made for the Negarit Youtube Channel.] According to

The UAE and the Horn of Africa Threesome

Since Abiy Ahmed became Ethiopia’s prime minister in the spring of 2018, he has met with Isaias Afwerki at least

Supremacists Agitating for Violence Against Eritrea

It is with great dismay that I hear the beating of war-drums by some segments of the Ethiopian intelligentsia, apparently

In Defense of Tamrat Negera

If I were to empty and free myself of affection, sentiments, anger, concern and all sorts of feelings; that is

The Waning Days of Tyrannical Rule in Eritrea

The peace accord that Eritrea and Ethiopia signed in July 2018 and attendant normalization of their relations had promised a

Post-Islamism in Eritrea, Why Does It Is Matter?

Post-Islamism in Eritrea why does it is matter? Reflection on the 6th congress of Eritrean Democratic Homeland Party The reality

Isaias-Abiy Resolve an Issue, Redwan Pulled out of Eritrea

On November 15, 2019, Gedab News reported that Redwan Hussein, who was appointed to be his country’s ambassador to Eritrea

Ethiopia: Debretsion’s Final Nail in the EPRDF Coffin

In a speech he delivered in December 28, 2019, Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael, declared the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)

Eritrea-Ethiopia: Ambassadors Without Credentials

On July 2018, Ethiopian officials announced that Redwan Hussein was appointed as Ethiopia’s ambassador to Eritrea, while the appointment of Semere

Macbeth: A Noble Man and a Witch

Once upon a time, a witch encountered a noble man and told him that he will be a king one

Nobel, a Juxtaposition of Leaders

The Nobel Prize website Summarized the rationale behind the awarding of its prize of 2019 to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Eritrean Opposition Party Transforms and Renamed HADI

Last week, the former Eritrean Islamic Party for Justice and Development (EIPJD), one of the largest Eritrean opposition organizations, held

Gold Coins and Necklaces–Congratulating PM Abiy

Last week Ethiopia went through eventful days. Among other things, on October 9, prime minister Abiy Ahmed inaugurated the 20 hectares

PM Abiy Has “Innovative Projects” to Deport Asylum-Seekers

President Donald Trump could save millions of dollars by seeking advice from the Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed (who discovered an

Egypt-Ethiopia: The Nile Water Crisis Resurfaces Again

The embattled Egyptian president AlSisi has resuscitated the Nile water crisis with Ethiopia. The differences over Ethiopia’s Great Renaissance Dam

Abu Dhabi to Khartoum Line Through Asmara

Four days after returning from Abu Dhabi where he met Mohammed Bin Zaid of the UAE,  on Monday, September 9,

Eritrea: Lobbyists Peddling Rumors as News

In recent days rumors swirled claiming that the Ethiopian government has facilitated a meeting in Ethiopia between delegates of the


