Negarit 62: ትሕትና – Humility – التواضع

The following is a rough transcript of Negarit #62, a video program published on tNov 28, 2019 _____________ 1. Now

Negarit 61: Are We Sabeans?

Some people believe belonging to a certain race makes them superior to others. Unfortunately, that racist and bigoted outlook of humanity

Negarit 60: ንፋስ ከሰላ – رياح كسلا – winds from Kassala

This is the script of Negarit 60, and the English translation of the Arabic speech in Kessela, Sudan. The aftermath

Eritrean Offspring of Muawya Bin Abu Sufyan

This is a partial script of Negarit 59–the first part of the episode was unscripted. 1.Awrajawyan Nkhun 2.Men eyyu Muawya?

Negarit 58: A Goatskin Filled With Butter

The following is the script for Negarit 58 (in Tigrinya) which was published on October 28, 2018 –  #ሓርቢጠስሚ – حرب

Gold Coins and Necklaces–Congratulating PM Abiy

Last week Ethiopia went through eventful days. Among other things, on October 9, prime minister Abiy Ahmed inaugurated the 20 hectares

Negarit 57: ጽዊጽዋይ ወለዶይ – My ancestral myth – أسطورة نسبي

This is a script that I used for Negarit 57, my series on youtube recorded on October 9, 2019) Today

Negarit 56: ሳዋን ግርማይን ዑመርን – Sawa Omar and Girmay -ساوا وجرماي و عمر

Last week two great Eritreans departed. Omar Hassen Omran, was buried in Kessela, Sudan and Girmay Kidane, Wedi Philipo, was

Negarit 55: ቆለ ፈውሲ ፋሺስት – Voodoo treats fascism – الزار يعالج الفاشية

Most of my stories are included in my book “Of Kings and Bandits” Today’s episode is more of a story

Negarit 54: ፈረሰካ ኣይቱግዳእ ኣባባ – Appealing to the demon – رجاءً ياعفريت

This is written as notes for Episode 54 of NEGARIT, my YouTube channel which is delivered in Tigrinya—it’s not all a

Negarit 53, Imam Ahmed Gragn – ኢማም ኣሕመድ ግራኝ – الإمام أحمد بن إبراهيم

This is written as notes for Episode 53 of NEGARIT, my YouTube channel which is delivered in Tigrinya—it’s not all

ኣሸንዳን “ትግርኛን” Ashenda and “Tigrigna” أشنده والتجرنية

1. Ashenda: Tigraians heard my advice of last year. 2. AshanadaH (Kick Boxing): Memhir Amanuel Sahle assaulted us  (Tesahiluna) using

بالبركة يا سودان

أود أن أهنئ الشعب السوداني على التصميم الذي أظهره للوصول إلى حفل توقيع الاتفاق، ويعلم الجميع أن الطريق إلى هذا الاتفاق مروي بدماء الشهداء السودانيين، واستشهادهم لم يكن سدىً و سوف يتتذكره التأريخ بأجلال وإعجاب إلى الأبد.  كإريتري ، أعتقد أن رائحة بخور الصندل في السودان لابد أن تهب على إريتريا واننا  ندعي الشراكة في […]

Customary Law : Sharia’a Endabba

In the 19th century, Abyssinian warlords invaded what they called “Hamassen”, present Eritrean highlands, (like they did for many decades

ቛንቛ ዓረብ! اللغة العربية Arabic in Eritrea

[Rough transcript of the Negarit 50] First let’s see how we are divided economically. The sedentary, the nomad, and the people

Negarit 49: Byzantine Dialogue ክትዕ በይዘንጣ حوار بيزنطي

Unedited notes for the Episode Byzantine was the Eastern part of the Roman empire–the capital city that was later named

Negarit 48: ኣርዮስ፥ ኣቡነ ኣንቶንዮስ፣ ቛንቋ ክርስቶስ

[Apologies. You tube took long to process the upload and was not playing properly and we have to delete the

Negarit Special: Manal Younus, A Poetess From Australia

Last week, at a public meeting called by SNIT in Oakland, California, Manal Younus recited a moving poem and the

Negarit 47:ኣቦታትካ ‘ለሊ – عرّف اسلافك – Identify your father

Negarit 47:ኣቦታትካ ‘ለሊ – عرّف اسلافك – Identify your father

Documentary – The Journey – ዓዋተ: እቲ ጉዕዞ- عواتي: المسيرة

This is a production of Zantana Productions, a friend of It’s a brief history of–its goals, aspirations, trepidations,


