Negarit 84: ፖለቲካዊ ታኪን – Political Turkey – ديك رومي سياسي

A few years ago, I learned that whistling is a form of communication within a few societies. One such group

Negarit 83: መላጸ ኦካም – Occam’s Razor – شفرة اُكّام

This is a general transcription of Negarit #83. When they want to divide the people, their slogan is ‘Us and

Negarit 80: ኩንታል ብልቱግ – A Sack of Millet – كيس دخن

In the sixties and early seventies, when youngsters wanted to join the ELF, they were told they have to consume

Negarit 79: ግዳይ ኮሮና – Corona Victim – ضحية كرونه

Negarit 77: ኢልኣምር ምኣምር – Ignorance – من لا يدري

When I first came across “M’amir Bokre’s YouTube channel, I was elated. I thought his videos will help me study

Negarit 76: ተርሞሚተር – Thermometer – ميزان الحرارة

Mr. Rolex – ኣቶ ሮለክስ – السيد رولكس

After years at sea, a sailor from Massawa disembarked in Italy and finally ended up working in Switzerland. In the eighties

#Yiakl #Enough #Kifaya

[This the source script for Negarit 74—it’s written in a simple spoken words style for casual delivery.] ALL PEOPLE deserve

Doers and Pretenders

[This is the source the transcript of Negarit 73, published by Negarit Youtube channel] Most of the time we consider cartoon

Quo Vadis? – ክዎ ቫዲስ? – إلى أينَ من هنا؟

Jesus was born in Nazareth*, Galilee, when the Roman emperor Herod ruled Palestine. He was a Roman citizen. Our character

25 Years of Disappearance, a Tragedy of a Man or a Nation?

  May 1991 was an extraordinary year for all Eritreans. It was the year in which Asmara was liberated and

Post-DC Voices and Identity Politics (Part I)

Introduction “ይኣክል” or “Enough” is a dynamic grassroots based process around which Eritreans globally are getting organized to make their

PFDJ Militia in Norway Exposed

In recent years, the number of Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers in Europe has increased drastically. Most of them claim

Any Stage Has Its Own Color of Discourse

In quest of a solution to the long-lost nation, it is very sad to observe that Eritreans missed the benefit

An Open Letter to Ambassador Haile Menkerios

I read your article, “Building Democracy in Eritrea” which appeared on, on April 4/28/2019, with great interest. Good to

Building Democracy in Eritrea     

It is long overdue to discuss the need for building democracy in Eritrea, a country which has the notoriety of being

A Book Review: The Hidden Party

Title:    The Hidden Party: A Narration of a Personal Experience with the EPLF Author: Colonel Tsegu Fessahaie Bahta Price:  

The Tears of Isaias the Sadist

Every year since 1991 Isaias Afwerki conducts diatribes and sheds false tears to commemorate our martyr’s day. And sadly enough,

Eritreans Are Forced to Be Obsessed with Ethiopia

Your Excellency Prime minister Abiy Ahmed, Happy New Year to you, your family and the people of our region. Last

Eritreans in Ethiopia Could Pay a Price, Again

The EPRDF ruling party of Ethiopia, which was dominated by the TPLF and its allies, has been completely decimated except


