#Yiakl #Enough #Kifaya

[This the source script for Negarit 74—it’s written in a simple spoken words style for casual delivery.] ALL PEOPLE deserve

Doers and Pretenders

[This is the source the transcript of Negarit 73, published by Negarit Youtube channel] Most of the time we consider cartoon

Quo Vadis? – ክዎ ቫዲስ? – إلى أينَ من هنا؟

Jesus was born in Nazareth*, Galilee, when the Roman emperor Herod ruled Palestine. He was a Roman citizen. Our character

ሕማም ሕርሲ – In labor – المخاض

[The following is used as a script for Negarit #70, which is made for the Negarit Youtube Channel.] According to

Eritrea Accuses Turkey, Qatar and Sudan

In a press statement released today, the Eritrean Ministry of Information accused Turkey of conducting “acts of subversion” against Eritrea.

Peering into the Cagey Politics of the Horn of Africa

The summit that leaders of Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia held in the Ethiopian cities of Gondar and Bahir Dar in early

An Intimate Report: Year-End Fundraising Campaign

Dear colleagues and friends of, This is our first report for the Year-End Fundraising Campaign that we launched last

Eritrea: Cries of a Nation on the Brink of Evanescence

The last six months have seen a flurry of diplomatic activities involving most of the Horn-of-Africa countries and some member


