The Wicked Pact Against Tigray

How do people keep their composure despite an anger? I will start with a Tigrayan Lady whose views I really

Do Ethiopian Love Their Country?

It’s safe to say Ethiopians love their country more than their people. In fact, the ever warring political and military

The Sixth and Seventh Kings of Ethiopia

A man from Keren arrived in Asmara and headed to the neighborhood where his relatives lived. Though he had seen

A Miserable Country Goes to War with Itself

Say what you will about outgoing president Trump, and despite the messenger, there are many countries in the word that

Ethnic Profiling of Tigrayans in Ethiopia

Ethiopian security forces are carrying out an extensive ethnic profiling and arresting Tigrayans, particularly in Addis Ababa and other major

The Debate Over Arabic Language in Eritrea!

Orally told stories relate a conversation that took place in the first parliament in Eritrea in the 1950s. During a

Happy Double Awate Day

(This is a close English translation of the Tigrinya content of Negarit #100 video on YouTube channel) Happy September 1 for

UAE-Eritrea: Strained Relationship

Last June,  a small ship arrived from the UAE carrying relief aid for Eritreans in Dankalia. However, the Assab port

The Reasonable Dream

ዓቅምኹም ሕለሙ ክትዕወቱ  – فن الحلم الممكن My Harassing Client : I will introduce you to one of my regular

Jawar, Flipos, Isaias, Our Sources

Jawar Mohammed :I have a friend whose views about Jawar so many times I concluded he lacks clarity– I ruled

The TPLF and the Eritrean Opposition

The ENCDC is the only entity that has a workable formula for an opposition umbrella. A boxing match with Getachew

Parkinson’s Law – ሕጊ ፓርኪንሶን – قانون پاركينسن

As a child, I busied myself with my uncle’s books. Ustaz Johar Abdulrahim was a teacher and he taught in

Negarit 85: ብሓርነት ተደቢሱ – Liberation – تحرر

Negarit 84: ፖለቲካዊ ታኪን – Political Turkey – ديك رومي سياسي

A few years ago, I learned that whistling is a form of communication within a few societies. One such group

Negarit 83: መላጸ ኦካም – Occam’s Razor – شفرة اُكّام

This is a general transcription of Negarit #83. When they want to divide the people, their slogan is ‘Us and

Negarit 80: ኩንታል ብልቱግ – A Sack of Millet – كيس دخن

In the sixties and early seventies, when youngsters wanted to join the ELF, they were told they have to consume

Negarit 79: ግዳይ ኮሮና – Corona Victim – ضحية كرونه

Negarit 77: ኢልኣምር ምኣምር – Ignorance – من لا يدري

When I first came across “M’amir Bokre’s YouTube channel, I was elated. I thought his videos will help me study

Negarit 76: ተርሞሚተር – Thermometer – ميزان الحرارة

Mr. Rolex – ኣቶ ሮለክስ – السيد رولكس

After years at sea, a sailor from Massawa disembarked in Italy and finally ended up working in Switzerland. In the eighties


