Thanks to Dr. MK Omar, Inputs Enriching the Eritrean Library

Many Eritreans are for sure not well aware of how much poor the Eritrean library still is. Records of the

Notes on Culture, Identity, and Social Change

I have a habit of jotting down interesting things I see or hear. Today, I’d like to share a few

What is the PFDJ problem with the UN?

If you are oblivious to how things work, you risk feeding on every propaganda or rumor and endlessly blaming everyone

Negarit 305: Merry Christmas and New Year

Holidays, festivals, and celebrations are days to escape the grind of life and unwind. Christmas is one of those holidays.

Isaias Calls for Intifada in Eritrea

Recently a usual “interview” of Isaias Afwerki was aired on Eritrean television; none of the people I talked to expected

A Secret Letter To President Donald Trump

Satire: republished twice since 2016, and the following is a slightly updated version of it.11 Eight years ago, on November

Modeling Election Done; Govern’t Election…

Today’s Negarit could well be version 2 of the 5-year-old episode, which was a sort of social critique. Generally, writers,

Dear Brezidenti, Is The PFDJ A Fairy?

Growing up, my old aunt was bedridden. I used to visit her in her room, which had a rope with

Isaias and Abiy: The Fallout

Often times, news surfaces only to be quickly subdued and forgotten, though it occasionally reemerges in surprising ways. Below is

A Corporal Warned Eritrea!

In 2021, Negarit 147, I raised the issue of SFO Safer, an oil tanker that was stranded across the Hodeida,

Shall we calm down or not?

Our dialogue is a thermostat that reflects our mental development; reading comments, observing debates shows it all. I always strive

Do Eritreans Envy Tigray?

Envy is a human trait; however, most people are often envious of people they know. They are rarely envious of

The Eritrean Dilemma with Its President

Isaias Afwerki. The most mentioned. The most criticized. The most admired, and at the same time, the most despised. He’s

The myth of the “pure Eritrean.”

Eritrea, given its strategic location on the Red Sea, has been a gate to Africa and a destination for various

The Era of Flashy Pastors

Parents miss their children. Aunt Lemlem had two sons, Saleh and Arabi, who left for Egypt for education, leaving the

The Massawa-Mekele-Addis-Ababa Railway

Back in the day, aboy Tewelde had a masonry stone hauling truck. To this day, no car company has built

Like Rip Van Winkle!

How long has it been since you left your home country? Are your memories intact? Do you have friends and

The Dilemma of Eritrean Diaspora Movements – Article review

“The Eritrean Diaspora Opposition Movements: Obstacles and Challenges”, A Master thesis, Linné University, Sweden, by Berhane Kidane, spring term, 2022.

Broken News

There’re two types of narcotics: Downers cause depression, insomnia, and melancholy; Uppers cause euphoria, excitement, and relaxation. When intoxicated, some

Biniam Girmay: He was ours and he’s still ours

The three-card Monte, known to us as Telate-werega, is a classical swindling trick. There is also the wheel of fortune,


