Horn of Africa’s Never-Ending Tragedy

On March 2, 2023, Gedab News reported that four people lost their lives when Ethiopia celebrated the 127th 1896 anniversary

Three-Legged Stool: Team Lemma, Loses Its Luster

[This Pencil Editorial was first published on March 18, 2019. Today, three years later, we are republishing it hoping it’s Saleh Johar interviews Meles Zenawi (2008)

The following was first published in May 26, 2008. It’s the first ever interview with the late PM Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia

The Sixth and Seventh Kings of Ethiopia

A man from Keren arrived in Asmara and headed to the neighborhood where his relatives lived. Though he had seen

He Graduated

The following is a transcription of my YouTube Channel, “Negarit 97: ሰብኣይ ተመሪቁ – the man graduated – وتخرج الرجل“. Some

Mesfin Hagos: Before the Egg Hatches

This is part 2 of 3 series under the title of “Can Mesfin Hagos Lead Under a Banner of “One Country, One

Jawar, Flipos, Isaias, Our Sources

Jawar Mohammed :I have a friend whose views about Jawar so many times I concluded he lacks clarity– I ruled

Ethiopia: Debretsion’s Final Nail in the EPRDF Coffin

In a speech he delivered in December 28, 2019, Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael, declared the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)

Eritreans Are Forced to Be Obsessed with Ethiopia

Your Excellency Prime minister Abiy Ahmed, Happy New Year to you, your family and the people of our region. Last

Eritreans in Ethiopia Could Pay a Price, Again

The EPRDF ruling party of Ethiopia, which was dominated by the TPLF and its allies, has been completely decimated except

Ethiopian Election 2020 and the Implementation of the Algiers’ Agreement

So far, no agreement has been reached between the Eritrean and Ethiopian governments regarding the demarcation of the supposedly vital

Prime Minister Abiy’s Call Triggers Cautious Optimism

In our editorial published a month ago (1), we reiterated our long-standing position on the need for an end to the

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