Despair and Frustration with the Fundraising Efforts

It has been three months since we started this fundraising cycle. We would like to thank the few of you who responded positively, and we hope (still hope) the rest will respond — we do not want to suspend or operations because of lack of basic operating funds.  Yes, unfortunately it has come to that.

Last January, there was a meeting where some friends  decided to launch a fundraising campaign in several locations. Soon after that, another initiative was launched by Friends of Awate in Toronto. So far, the initiatives yielded the following:

  1. The Modesto Initiative yielded $250 (donated by friends in Orange County).
  2. The Toronto Friends of Awate initiative yielded $200,
  3.    The campaign by friends in Australia yielded $220.
    (the total donated by the three above-mentioned groups was $670.00).
  4. Since January 1, 2019, a total of 18 individuals each contributed a high of $300, and low of $20 through the website (Paypal and bank transfer). The total of direct individual contributions is $1760.
  5. Our deficit for 2018 is, ($4500, carried forward to 2019).
  6. Since January 1, 2019, the total collected is $2430 (Year budget $12,000).
  7. To date, our consolidated budget for 2018-2019 is short by ($4070).
  8. Our budget for 2019 is $12,000.
  9. For the period March 1, to Dec 31, 2019, we require ($4070+$10,000) $14,070, to balance our budget.

As evident from the above, in a precarious situation; if the beneficiaries, and true supporters of Awate do not come to our rescue, we do not know how we can possibly continue our operations.

As a last ditch, starting March, we will assemble a team from our friends and supporters to handle the fundraising tasks. Thereafter, we hope to focus on the other activities for which this website was established.

Finally, on March 16, 2019, there will be a supporters-initiated function in the San Francisco Bay Area, details of the function will be announced very soon.

In conclusion, we appeal to all of you to help by contributing generously to defray the operational cost.

As you aware, for many years we have survived hacking, sabotaging, defamation, and many other vicious attacks by those who wish to silence us. However, this time, the risk of silencing is not coming from the PFDJ, but from our own inability to secure funds, and the inaction of our supporters and friends. Please also note that we never sought external funds and we wish to be funded only by our own, our supporters, and friends. Are we up to the challenge?
Your donation can be facilitated through the following CHOICES:

  1. Credit and Debit Cards

    Below the “Support” icon on the frontpage, there is a form through which you can make your donation. At the bottom of the next page, you will have a choice to either make your payment through Paypal or Credit Card.
  2. PAYPALClick the Orange Paypal icon and make your donations. Your contributions will appear on your bank statement as “Paypal*”.
  3. Bank Transfer:
    Account Name:
    Bank: Bank Of America,
    Acct #: 29570 76732
    Swift ID: BOFAUS3N
  4. Other Payments: Contact us through E-mail to see alternative payment methods at <>

Please contribute as generously as you can. We appreciate your support, thank you.

The Awate Team


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