About Awate Team

The PENCIL is's editorial and it reflects the combined opinions of the Awate Team and not the individual opinion of team members.

Re-aligned with the PFDJ but disappointed

After the downfall of the Derg regime in Ethiopia and the liberation of Eritrea in 1991, the Sudanese government curtailed

Please respond to the call

Dear Friends of Awate and Negarit When we launched the 2024 fundraising in January, we were (and still are) counting

Awate-Negarit Fundraising Drive 2024

You can donate using the method you think is most convenient to you, using the links provided below. Please chip

Announcement: restored is back alive. Since September 2023, was crippled due to unexpected internal logistical/technical issues. That was the longest

The Silver Thaler Dictator

“Wedi Afom Berri; Ashaakheru Nebri.” (The Son of Afwerki is Brri; and his soldiers a streak of tigers” That is

Negarit 230: Campaigns of Brigades

Whenever there’s something on the news, writers are pressured to comment on it. However, I do not comment instantaneously without

Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia Brace for the Rainy Season

Eritrean refugees at Alemwach refugee camp in Gondar are bracing for another uncomfortable rainy season. Some of the camp’s residents

Sudan Borrowed the Coal Fire From Ethiopia

The events that have damaged Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia for decades is still devastating the entire region. While some

Horn of Africa’s Never-Ending Tragedy

On March 2, 2023, Gedab News reported that four people lost their lives when Ethiopia celebrated the 127th 1896 anniversary

Finale of an Eritrean Struggle

In the previous two phases, we talked about things that must be done at the individual level.  An individual must

A Call to The Moderates of The Horn Of Africa 

[Editor’s note: This editorial was first published on Oct 22, 2003, and again in Oct 2, 2018. It’s being republished

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

May the year 2023 be the best year for all of you

African Generals Appointed, POWs Not Mentioned

A team of ten African generals are named by the AU to monitor the process of the peace deal to and Negarit 2022 Fundraising Drive

Dear colleagues and supporters, Below is all the information you need for making a donation to support and Negarit

A Call To Help Awate and Negarit

Dear Friends and supporters of Awate-com and Negarit, Since its inception on September 1, 2000, has been serving you

Ethiopians Still Talking About Talking

Since Abiy Ahmed took office as Ethiopia’s prime minister in 2018, the region is entangled in a civil war. So

Three Envelopes for The Horn of Africa Leaders

A newly appointed corporate manager asked his predecessor to give him the best advice he could. The outgoing manager gave

China Stretches Out Its Hands To The Horn

On Monday, June 20, 2022, a two-day Governance and Development Conference winded up in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Xue

One Kicked Out, Two To Go

In 2018, when Abiy Ahmed made his overly promoted visit to Eritrea and “signed a peace agreement” with Isaias Afwerki,

The Horn of Africa: Unchanging Political Seasons

(Reading Time: 7 minutes) Historically, the African region that contains Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somaliland, and Somalia are considered Horn


