Thanks to Dr. MK Omar, Inputs Enriching the Eritrean Library

Many Eritreans are for sure not well aware of how much poor the Eritrean library still is. Records of the

Azien Yasin, the Famous Freedom Fighter I never knew

Azien Yasin was a brilliant freedom fighter who had great influence on the Eritrean Liberation Front. He was present on

History is Watching us

[This article is dedicated to a group of Eritrea’s Prisoners of Conscience who were arrested in 2001 after criticising President

The myth of the “pure Eritrean.”

Eritrea, given its strategic location on the Red Sea, has been a gate to Africa and a destination for various

Is Ethiopia Doomed?

For an Eritrean, pretending to wear a 20/20 lens, you dwell on snooping around Ethiopian critiques, regardless of their successes

The Dilemma of Eritrean Diaspora Movements – Article review

“The Eritrean Diaspora Opposition Movements: Obstacles and Challenges”, A Master thesis, Linné University, Sweden, by Berhane Kidane, spring term, 2022.

The Horn of Africa States Ethiopia’s Undiplomatic Faux Pas

It was always clear that Ethiopia’s false historical narrative would one day catch up with it. The country that was

The Horn of Africa States The Need Beyond the Narrow Mindset

Favoritism is a disease that causes immense damage to any organization, country, or region. It takes competency out of the

Revelations of a Former Eritrean Freedom Fighter

To learn how a nation can spiral into a self-destructive vortex of paranoia, one should read Semere Solomon’s new book

Unsolicited Advice to Brighed N’Hamedu (BNH)

Introduction. The birth of Brighed N’Hamedu (BNH), in Cologne, Germany, in 2022, has greatly energized justice-seeking Eritrean youth in the

Book Review: A Memoir of Eritrean Freedom Fighter Mesfin Hagos

Book Review An African Revolution Reclaimed: A Memoir of Eritrean Freedom Fighter Mesfin Hagos. By Mesfin Hagos with Awet Tewelde

PM Abiy & Co, bullying, belaboring, and big lies

“What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” (Sir. Walter Scott, 1808) Towards the end of

Omissions & Biases: Mesfin Hagos’s Book

Mesfin Hagos’s English Book on Eritrea: Useful Facts Tainted by Omissions & Biases   This article about the book in

A Tribute to Saleh “Gadi” Johar

By Dr. Daniel Araya From the onset, it’s imperative for me to state the two reasons that made me undertake

Weaponizing Silence, Vulgarizing Languages

When one’s faith in humanity was beginning to wane with the seemingly endless streams of vitriols from social media, intelligently

Critical Reading: a reply

Introductory notes :For all the reductionist talk that try to depict the current crisis in narrow,  simplistic, static, dichotomized views,

Can Eritreans have A Genuine Dialogue?

If “epistemology deals with systems of knowing” as Delgado Bernal (2002) stipulates, to which it is not that difficult to

Eritrea: From NHnana Elamanan to Liberation to Ber Al-Aman

Eritrea: From NHnana Elamanan (1971) to Liberation (1991) to Bar Al Aman (2021) The men of philosophy and of literature

Awate’s Critical National Service, The Public Duty To Help Sustain It

A Funding Proposal by Bereket Habte Selassie The Reason for this proposal I have been a regular reader of

The Rise and Fall of Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)

It was unimaginable for the Ethiopian people to accept “a blatant miscarriage of justice” – specifically over the awarding of


