Is PFDJ Honest or It’s a Gimmick?

“Farmers work the land; Merchants trade in the market (freely).” That profound saying is attributed to the first proclamation the’s Saleh Johar interviews Meles Zenawi (2008)

The following was first published in May 26, 2008. It’s the first ever interview with the late PM Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia

Reasons for the Approaching Political Floods

There are many instances of governments that are overthrown, pushed out, reclaiming their authority or totally dying out. In the

Mr. Rolex – ኣቶ ሮለክስ – السيد رولكس

After years at sea, a sailor from Massawa disembarked in Italy and finally ended up working in Switzerland. In the eighties

#Yiakl #Enough #Kifaya

[This the source script for Negarit 74—it’s written in a simple spoken words style for casual delivery.] ALL PEOPLE deserve

Doers and Pretenders

[This is the source the transcript of Negarit 73, published by Negarit Youtube channel] Most of the time we consider cartoon


