The Dilemma of Eritrean Diaspora Movements – Article review

“The Eritrean Diaspora Opposition Movements: Obstacles and Challenges”, A Master thesis, Linné University, Sweden, by Berhane Kidane, spring term, 2022.

Book Review: A Memoir of Eritrean Freedom Fighter Mesfin Hagos

Book Review An African Revolution Reclaimed: A Memoir of Eritrean Freedom Fighter Mesfin Hagos. By Mesfin Hagos with Awet Tewelde

Book Review: Eritrea-Inception and Consolidation of Dictatorship

Published 2020, Uppsala Sweden. Text in Tigrinya. ISBN: 978-91-519-5571-1 Pp. 365 plus list of references.  Reviewed by Tekeste Negash Emeritus

Book Review: The Nurnebi File –Espionage and Politics

YeNurnebi Mahder: Silela ena poletica (The Nurnebi File –Espionage and Politics), published by Gebriel and son Publishing Virginia, USA, 2017.

Book Review: The Dynamics of an Unfinished African Revolution

UNDERSTANDING ERITREA: A REVIEW ARTICLE ON The dynamics of an Unfinished African Revolution. Eritrea Ancient History to 1968, volume 1,


