Educating (Not Amusing) A Sensitive Reader
G. Ande is uncivilized because he stole information that was not freely given to him by me. He might have
Food & Eating Etiquettes In Kebesa
People eat to live or to enjoy food if they are from the lands of abundance, but not in Kebesa.
Stick, Cross, Shawl and Hat
A Good Coptic priest in the highland of Eritrea would not leave his sanctuary, his home or church without carrying
Eshok Mergem: The Thorn of Curse
Rough place. Rough and breathtaking. Humans, animals, plants, rocks, stones, living side by side, influencing one another. Shaping one another.
Men And Women of Kebessa
Her good mother was so tough, precise and unrelenting, she did not let her slack until she was satisfied that
The Thorn Of Curse: Ishok Mergem
Ali Salim has become an entity. A noisy and powerful entity as such. Like artist in a rush he is
The Birth Of Despotism
I believe it was a telltale sign for what was to become an everyday act of terror and cruelty. If
Awate Forum