Thanks to Dr. MK Omar, Inputs Enriching the Eritrean Library

Many Eritreans are for sure not well aware of how much poor the Eritrean library still is. Records of the

Omissions & Biases: Mesfin Hagos’s Book

Mesfin Hagos’s English Book on Eritrea: Useful Facts Tainted by Omissions & Biases   This article about the book in

Eritrea’s Flawed Beginning in 1991: How It Contributed to What it is Today

(This paper was presented a year ago at a conference in Geneva entitled:  “Eritrea at Silver Jubilee: Stocktaking on the

Reconciliation and Unity: Vital Terms In Eritrean Politics

By Menhot Woldemariam (Woldeyesus Ammar) Reconciliation and unity are two live terms in the dictionary of Eritrean politics, past and


