Greetings all, SJ. now you are talking what I love to talk about, Stoicism. My favorite quote about stoicism which I live by is...try it, it will change the way you live your life....
Ramadan Kerim Saleh, Thank you for your episode, which is calling us to engage in profound readings and discussions. Let me share with you my experience. It was a year after the chaos or ዕግርግር that...
selam Haile S. and all Forumers, It is about time to return to this august website and the forum that furnishes thoughtful, artful, and meaningful discussions; at least to stay away from the...
Hello Awatistas, She is a mother And no one is like her She is a sister The champion of her brother She is a wife The companion in the journey of life She is a daughter Dad's sunshine and...
Hello Awate, Both Isyays and Abi seem to have picked up some Trump-like traits. For instance, Isyays' behavior when receiving the AU delegation on the same day Trump received Zelensky in his...
Awate Forum
Selam dear forum family members,
Let us hope for many more homecoming heralds.
Understanding Stupidity: Inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer · 1 day ago
Greetings all, SJ. now you are talking what I love to talk about, Stoicism. My favorite quote about stoicism which I live by is...try it, it will change the way you live your life....
Understanding Stupidity: Inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer · 1 day ago
Ramadan Kerim Saleh, Thank you for your episode, which is calling us to engage in profound readings and discussions. Let me share with you my experience. It was a year after the chaos or ዕግርግር that...
Understanding Stupidity: Inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer · 2 days ago
selam Haile S. and all Forumers, It is about time to return to this august website and the forum that furnishes thoughtful, artful, and meaningful discussions; at least to stay away from the...
Understanding Stupidity: Inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer · 3 days ago
ሰላም ሰብ ዓወተ ወይ ኣነ ኣድጊ ወይ ኣነ ዒሉ ኩፉእ ዝተባህለ ንዓይ ኩሉ! ክንዲ ሕራይ ቢለ 'ተኣዘዝኩሉ ጸርፊ ጽዕን ኣብ ዘይውዓልኩሉ ሳሊሕ መን እዩ ናይ ሓቂ ዓሻ ንገረኒ ንዓ ኣነ ድየ ወይ እቲ ዘልገብካለይ እንግድዓ .... ክመስል ክራቫታ ገይሩ ባድላ ተጎልቢቡ .... ሰብ ደንዳኒ ነሕዋቱ ገዲፉ...
Understanding Stupidity: Inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer · 3 days ago
Hello Awatistas, She is a mother And no one is like her She is a sister The champion of her brother She is a wife The companion in the journey of life She is a daughter Dad's sunshine and...
GThanks to Dr. MK Omar, Inputs Enriching the Eritrean Library · 5 days ago
Hello Awate, Both Isyays and Abi seem to have picked up some Trump-like traits. For instance, Isyays' behavior when receiving the AU delegation on the same day Trump received Zelensky in his...
GThanks to Dr. MK Omar, Inputs Enriching the Eritrean Library · 1 week ago
ሰላም ሰብ ዓወተ
እዋይ ወጋሕታ
ዓወተ ተኸፊታ
ክምስ ነብል ፍሽኽታ
ህዝበይ ዝጸንሐት ኣብ ገጽ-መጽሓፍ ሸፊታ
ትመለስ ናብ መስጊዳ ናብ ታቦታ
በሉ ኣይትብቀቑ ጫውጫውታ
GThanks to Dr. MK Omar, Inputs Enriching the Eritrean Library · 1 week ago